This... uuuuhh.... gentleman right here is my lil bro and I'm just taking the time out to acknowledge his birthday, which was yesterday (2/25/09). I know some you are out there thinking...
"Well if you're supposed to be his big bro and his birthday was yesterday, WHY DA FUCK YOU DIDN'T POST THIS... oh I don't know... YESTERDAY?!?!".
Well, hey!! wait a minute bitch!! [sorry, just had an katt williams moment there]
I didn't do it yesterday because I had a better thing to do which was hang with him. He is now 12, just one year away from being a teen... Damn time sure flys. I'm gonna sound like a parent by saying this, but
"It seems like it was only yesterday...."
When i taught this lil man how to walk and speak even though I was only like 8 at the time. Mom was a working mom and we started seeing less of pops after he was born, so somebody had to teach'em right?! I think T.I. said it best when he stated "In da South, you grew up quick, Especially in the ATL" But when I first reached my teens, I was heading down some dark paths and even though I probably wasn't too quick to realize that, lil man probably knew because he was watching me. It wasn't until I moved to this here dry-ass town, where it ain't that many distractions whatsoever, that noticed that I wasn't that much of an influence to my lil bro as I've should've been. Plus, in almost 5 years now, we've only seen our pops twice and he seems like don't even have the strength to pick up the phone to see about his own blood either, but I aint gonna get into all that... So I made a promise to him, Zachery, not Zachary[get it right], my lil bro, that as I grow and become more knowledgeble about life, if he ever needs anything, he could always come to me because for one, he is as green as i dont know what and two, I was into alot more things when I was his age than he is now so whatever he's doing deff aint new to me.
Now I told him this when he wasn't even ten years of age, but til this day, he always keep that in mind. I know this cuz my mom always tell me to be mindful on what I say to him cuz he'll come to me more than he'll come to her about something.
I got'chu Ma and as long as I got breath in this 5'8, 153lb.(yea i've gained 3 pounds btw, lol) body, I'll be there to take him under my wing.
Love you Zach and Happy Birthday!!
~Til the next time