Thursday, February 26, 2009

Brotherly Love

This... uuuuhh.... gentleman right here is my lil bro and I'm just taking the time out to acknowledge his birthday, which was yesterday (2/25/09). I know some you are out there thinking...

"Well if you're supposed to be his big bro and his birthday was yesterday, WHY DA FUCK YOU DIDN'T POST THIS... oh I don't know... YESTERDAY?!?!".

Well, hey!! wait a minute bitch!! [sorry, just had an katt williams moment there]
I didn't do it yesterday because I had a better thing to do which was hang with him. He is now 12, just one year away from being a teen... Damn time sure flys. I'm gonna sound like a parent by saying this, but

"It seems like it was only yesterday...."

When i taught this lil man how to walk and speak even though I was only like 8 at the time. Mom was a working mom and we started seeing less of pops after he was born, so somebody had to teach'em right?! I think T.I. said it best when he stated "In da South, you grew up quick, Especially in the ATL" But when I first reached my teens, I was heading down some dark paths and even though I probably wasn't too quick to realize that, lil man probably knew because he was watching me. It wasn't until I moved to this here dry-ass town, where it ain't that many distractions whatsoever, that noticed that I wasn't that much of an influence to my lil bro as I've should've been. Plus, in almost 5 years now, we've only seen our pops twice and he seems like don't even have the strength to pick up the phone to see about his own blood either, but I aint gonna get into all that... So I made a promise to him, Zachery, not Zachary[get it right], my lil bro, that as I grow and become more knowledgeble about life, if he ever needs anything, he could always come to me because for one, he is as green as i dont know what and two, I was into alot more things when I was his age than he is now so whatever he's doing deff aint new to me.

Now I told him this when he wasn't even ten years of age, but til this day, he always keep that in mind. I know this cuz my mom always tell me to be mindful on what I say to him cuz he'll come to me more than he'll come to her about something.

I got'chu Ma and as long as I got breath in this 5'8, 153lb.(yea i've gained 3 pounds btw, lol) body, I'll be there to take him under my wing.

Love you Zach and Happy Birthday!!

~Til the next time

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cha-Ching Pt. 3/Finale

So now I can let out my situation since its over now...

well on saturday night, I was on BOA to check my money out when I saw that a total of $6,025.29 was dumped in my account.


At first I thought I logged into someone elses account because that aint mines nor did I know where it came from, but nope, on the header on my account, it read my name. I've probably have never in my life had so many mixed feelings...

1) Happy, shocked and suprised because of the money and ammount.
2) Paranoid and feared that the law might think that i stole it and
3) Mad because I thought some random person had access to my account and I was thinking that as easy as he/she could put money in my account, he/she could easily take it all out with additions to my money as well)

So then I checked my transitions and found that it was someone's tax returns so now I'm thinking "ok cool, what now?" I went to the lady who brought me into this world, my oracle, for advice and she gave different senarios on what I could do like

1) Spend it
2) Taking the out so I can have it on had (which i didn't think that would be a good idea cuz it ain't notelling what I would do if I had that money directly in my hand)
3) Take it out and go to another bank and open up another account to place it in
4) Split it with her, lol
5) Save it

but she stated the fact of the matter remained: "If and when the bank find their mistake, all they gonna do is void those checks regardless if you were to spend it or take it out or not. If you were to spend it all and they was to void that money then you would have a huge overdraft fee." So I decided to wait a week or two to see what was gonna happen and if the bank never takes it out then most likely I'm home free, but mom dukes highly doubted that that was gonna happen and what do you know? She was right... As of this morning, all that money had vanished.

I was so pissed. I mean, I know none of it was my money, but still, you just don't throw that kinda money someone's(mines) account and think that a nigga like me ain't gonna be tempted to spend it. It's not like I asked for that shit! What would you have did if this happened to you, if was just minding you business one day and BLAM, suddenly you're a multi-thousand-aire?! LMAO.

But yea, I'm currently in the process of getting over this, just realizing that this is just one of my "it's too good to be true" moments

Monday, February 23, 2009

Cha-Ching Pt. 2?

Can money really fall out the sky and randomly land into someone's lap?
I asked because it, sure as hell, happened to me!!
well, money literally didn't get "rained" on me, but you get the point, right?
I can't really go indepth with my situation...
at least not publically.
I know an mistake happened somewhere along the line
or maybe...
It's a gift from the man upstairs
who knows?
I don't, but I hope that that's what it is...
We'll see

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Damn, Puts My Shit To Shame

Naw, I ain't hatin, just movitaved... as u should be

Friday, February 20, 2009

Thursday, February 19, 2009

High from the CHRONIC

As you been for almost 5 years now, Dr. Dre is coming out with Detox. Some may beleive that, some my not. I, for one, am a believer now. Yesterday, I was surfing on my usual hip-hop sites when i came across this song by the name of "Topless" by Dr. Dre ft. T.I. and Nas. An unexpected, but great collab, right?? but it's wierd. On the song, you only hear Dre on the chorus, BUT, T.I. is spittin on the first verse and he starts off saying "It's da D.R." and makes other references to da "Westside" and I don't think he's talking about the westside of atlanta. Could it be that he has ghost-written for the Doc? I'm hearing that he did (kinda like how eminem did for dre in the new track "crack a bottle" before it offically came out) and is gonna rap his own verse on the final version. Both artist murked this track btw...
Check it out and you be the judge....

Had enough?? Well I got another one for ya by the name of "shit popped off". It's kinda of the same concept. For the first verse T.I. seems to be rapping for Dre, but this time on the second verse, he's spittin his own shit. This track is the shit to me as well.
But you be the judge....

Now Idk if someone leaked this or if he did this on purpose to build up hype and I don't even see that as being necessary because Detox has been the most anticipated album for forever and a day now. All I wanna know now is.... Where da fuck da CHRONIC at cause i feel like getting blitzed, LOL. JK yall

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sketch #1

aight, for those of you who don't know who da fuck this is, He's BOB!! lol. an up and coming artist that favors hip-hop from Atlanta
I say "favors hip-hop" because he loves to mix different genres, whether it be blues, rock, techno, jazz, etc.., but he always make sure hip-hop is always in the equation. and it sounds great!!!!!!!!!!!
At least to me.
Now, I'm somewhat of and artist too... in the drawing category... when i feel like being one, lol. I could do alotta things with art, like paintings, oil pastels, cartoons, but my forte is sketching portraits.
Up into this point, I've only sketched hip-hop artists who are well established like 50 cent, Lloyd Banks, T.I, Eminem, Outkast, Jay-z, people like that so that whenever I showcase it, the people who see could recognize the person in the portrait and knows who he/she is..
Well I've went against the grain and sketched someone who people wouldnt normally recognize, this guy BOB!!
Wasn't really gonna show it off... hell... Just drawing it, period, was a splur-in-the-moment thing [Extreme Boredom]
But yea, I wasn't gonna show it off because
1) You may not know who it is
2) I haven't drawn anything in over a year so I'm kinda rusty
3) I'm just not really a "Show of my work" type of a nigga and I just for me personally
...But i think its time to stop being selfish and be open for criticism
(after all, I am opened-minded)
....Well here is the picture i was focusing on (Courtesy of XXL Magazine)

And here's my drawing....

It took me like 25-30mins to get the basic down (head shape, facial) and took me bout 40-45 mins for shading.

But something aint right about it, it seems... off (for lack of a better word)

A lil help?

And what'cha think about it??

(Feel free to say how you feel cuz I ain't that nig that's sensitive about his work. I can take the bad criticism chin up too cuz I beleive that makes me focus better on producing better pieces, dig?! so fire away...)

Monday, February 16, 2009

Can't Get Enough Of This!!

After watching this video over like 25 times, I've realized something... After Shaq leaves, the game just wont be the same any more. He's been in the league for over 15 year and he's always kept real... i mean, I'm not pyschic, but you know how you can look at someone's demeanor and just can tell that they're kinda lame?? well that's how I feel about 98 maybe 99% percent of the players in the NBA with the other 1 or 2% being "Shaqtus", "CP3", "KG" and "AI" and maybe 1 or 2 more people I just can't think of right now. There's entirely too much whinning, acting, faking in the league today, but those 4 'I've just named aren't apart of it. Shaq makes the game more worth watching and he kept it fun, prime example being the all-star game. If you take Shaq outta the equation including his "ABDC" moment (shown up above), that game wouldn't have been that good all. He's a guy that has, along with his huge physique, a huge heart, never disrespected anybody, never had a dispute outside the court. He just is a genuine nice guy, but would easily you know whenever you step outta line or if you come at him unprofessionally and the gome needs more of that, waaaay more. That's why he's one of my favorite NBA players and that's why he'll be missed when he's gone.

Mines... ALL MINES

Just made the final payment on this thing here so that's an extra $300 in bank, but somehow know that cash is gonna go to some else because this situation just seem too good to be true and whenever it gets like that, something bad happens (I'll elaborate on a later post). Anyway, this car was given to me from my Unk as a graduation present, but there was a catch. He wasn't gonna make payments on this car and his newly bought Nissan Titan so since May of 2007, I've been doing it. 22 months times the 300 that I was paying a month means that I've put $6,600 into this car. Think I'm about sale this now???


but then again... $6,600 (or $7,500, gotta make some profit) coming to me in a huge lump-sum wouldn't be bad either now that I think about it. I figure I could sell it, get about $7,000-$7,500 back, buy a brand new car and make payments on it, move in to an apartment (witha roommate of coarse, any takers?? lol), and I'll still be working so that kind of money could stretch pretty far, dig?! but that's just me thinking out loud, because I know this kind of process would take alotta time as well as hustle so instead of doing all of that, I'm just gonna keep it, maybe save it for Zach (my lil bro who's gonna be 16 in 4yrs from now) when I'm done with it and buy a brand new car probably a year or 2 from now.

Friday, February 13, 2009


So tomorrow is Valentine's Day, right? Normally I'm not too stoked about this time of the year and I almost NEVER have a date to share my generosity with, as a matter of fact, the fraction of how many Valentine Dates I've had throughout my life over how many Valentines Days I've lived through including this year is a mere 4/20, but have a date tomorrow. Some of you may know her, some of you dont. She is someone who, once upon a time ago, lived in this town of bluffton and once was my woman, but that didnt last and she moved away 2years ago. We still kept in touch though and we're still cool til this day. Tonight, she's coming in town and for once, I'm thinkin very highly of V-Day mainly because of the gift I'm gonna receive. Now I'm not gonna speak on it, but the photo on your right should give you a pretty good idea and for the record...

IT WASN'T MY IDEA, but in the same breath, I ain't gonna turn it down either, LOL.

and in return, all she wants from me is some "Chocolate Banana Glam Pie Hi Pastrys"... These to be exact

Good Deal, dont'cha think?

Thursday, February 12, 2009

And It's Gets Personal

Fif ain't playin...

Too Much???

What'chu think??

You Are...... NOT the father!/ Epic, and I Mean EPIC FAIL!! LMFAO

When playin a prank... goes wrong

Damn, In a lost of words, LOL

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Radio Killa-Killa

Here's The-Dream's latest single...

When Dream first came out, I thought he was Jazze Pha's lil brother cuz
1) they kind favor eath other
2) Pha was in that "Shawty is the Shit" video so i thought he was Pha's protege.

Also when he first came out video, I thought he wasn't gonna last long, but after giving him a few listens and listening to his 1st album, I must say, he's actually pretty talented.

I think charles hamilton said it best...

"Idk what it is about this dude's music, but whenever it comes on in the club or anywhere, I find myself falling in lust with the next attractive female that I see."

Too true Charles... Too true, at least for me and strangely enough, I kinda like that kinda music!!! LOL

So when March 10th rolls around, I will be purchasing that album entitled "Love Vs. Money"

Monday, February 9, 2009

Chris "Smackdown" Brown

Speculations arose, and rumors were running rampant last night during the grammys, but it now appears, according to TMZ, that Mr. Brown allegedly assaulted his girlfriend, Rihanna. He was charged with Assault With A Deadly Weapon, a felony and no further details have been released, other than the victim in this case was Robyn Fenty, better known as Rihanna.

"After stopping his car, Brown and the woman got out and the argument escalated," the Los Angeles police Department said. "The woman suffered visible injuries and identified Brown as her attacker."

Brown was released after posting $50,000 bail and neither performer made it to the Grammy's last night.

Representatives for Rihanna would not confirm nor deny the incident but did say, "Rihanna is well. Thank you for the care and support."

Damn, if all this is true, which i find very hard to beleive, then he could just "kiss kiss" all his endorsements and potentially his career goodbye. He's already been suspended from Wrigley's ad campaign for Doublemint gum. Even though the incident didn't happen more than 24 hours ago, and he has not been proven guilty, the company is already taking action. Wrigley said in a statement, "We have made the decision to suspend the current advertising featuring Brown and any related marketing communications until the matter is resolved."

Sunday, February 8, 2009

"You're Cold As Ice!!!"

So, on thursday (2/5/09) while kickin it on campus, I received a text from an old lady friend, actually probably the first person I'd met when I moved to this town of bluffton, and I was kinda happy to hear from her since, i think, graduation. We got caught up on some things, like she didn't know I was still residing in bluffton and vice versa. She made the request that we, me & her, should get up some time so I'm like "cool".

Well that day came and it was on that next day, Friday (2/6/09). She suggested that we should grab a bite to eat around 5pm and I was up for it, but plans got canceled, yet later that night, she paid me a visit. Everything was cool, the vibe was cool, we was just kicking it, talking and whatnot and that was it. She left around 11 and about 5mins after she left my house I get a text from her saying "Damn, I think you sparked up that crush again that I had for you back in the day, lol"... Really?? so I replied back saying "yea i felt the vibe between us"... i really didn't kno what else to say because I wasn't expecting a statement like that after just one night...

So yesterday, Saturday (2/7/09), she hits me up again, say that we should catch a movie... "Fine with me", I said. We went to go see "Taken" around 9:10pm... The movie was actually kinda good, a lot of action, a lot chops/punches in to the neck which made me chuckle, but it was kinda short too. We left like around 10:45pm. Being that my car was parked closer to the theater and hers' was parked all the way by Outback, instead of walking her to her car, I drove her (I know, I'm such a gentleman). We hugged and then we made our departure. As I'm driving down bluffton parkway, I get a text from her asking

"Would it have been unladylike if I had kissed you?"

I really didnt know the answer to that question because i dont know the symptoms of being unladylike. I thought it just was when female burped or farted in public or something like that, lol. While I was still tryna figure what to say, she sends me another text saying...

"I'm sorry, I'm just feeling you alot more than you're feeling me..."

this is true. now don't get me wrong, there's nothing really wrong with this girl, and I love the company of females, but I just ain't the type that fall quick because when I do fall, I fall hard. I'm real slow with developing feelings, in fact, it's kinda of a long process for me to even feel anything about someone. but is that a problem?? is it Me?? I'm I being too guarded or is she being too fast?? I ask because this isn't the first this done happened, where I would hangout with a lady a couple times and she would feel something for me, but soon she would be upset when she finds out that I don't feel the same way. Shit... I ain't gone lie to'em. I've been told that I have a cold heart because of this, but I'm a strong beleiver that you like someone as a friend, but you can't just "make" yourself fall "in like" with someone, no matter how nice they are. If you diggin'em, then you're diggin'em and if you aint, then you aint, right?

Saturday, February 7, 2009

This Just In...

Consider that beef with between bow wow and soulja boy squashed...

a little disappointed because it seemed like it was about to get good, but glad these guys talked it out like men for once...

speaking of getting good, this 50 vs. Ross beef... Ross must tryna commit suicide or something fucking with Fif

Then 50 got Ross' baby mama to sit down with him to expose him...

Damn, after all that 50 takes her on a shopping spree... Ross dunn made some good music in the past, but I think he's done now. Even the game is siding with 50!!!

Friday, February 6, 2009

What the Hell?!?!

I was surfing on my usual hip-hop sites for news and new music when I made a discovery.... A new beef is born people and I'm not talkin about the Ross Vs 50 beef, but the Soulja boy-Bow wow beef. I could've sworn these niggaz was the best of friends with that "marco-polo" shit and this thing was all fun and games at first, but now it's turned up.

I guess I'll feel you in for those who don't know what happened...

SB have this thing on Youtube called "Rich Nigga Shit" and on one of his episodes, he was flexing his newly bought Lambo and challenged Bow wow to a race with their Lambos on the line and that was it. BW came out with a reply like a day later and basically shitted on SB talking all this shit about how his Lambo looks better, which it does, and that Arab, SB's bestfriend, and SB are butt-buddies and shit of that nature.

Aroung this time I'm thinking "damn, these niggas really ain't got shit better to do... sigh, i wish i had that much green"

So SB came back with a reply saying that BW's Lambo is rented and asked him to show the papers for it and that was about it. BW came back and not only showed the papers for his Lambo, but he was talking more shit saying that when he win the race, he'll take SB's Lambo and drive it up and down the street of Bankhead(Atlanta) and that he was just gonna leave it there thinking that SB is never going back to atlanta because he can't and that he's scare to go back.

so SB took that personal and said this...

Now I really don't like neither one of them, but SB got a point...
1. Naming your album after a classic movie when you're not a classic artist is setting yourself up for failure.
2. When somebody come to you and tell you about a personal situation, it's just unethical for you to flip-flop that shit, air it out all over youtube and make a joke about it.

honestly i think both their careers are soon gonna be over..

**This just in, Bow Wow has came out with another in response to the video up above...

i hope some good music comes out of this, but then again, i forgot who i was talking about

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Da Drought

Yea, so i've been on a lil bit of a drought on bloggin as of a couple days now... not because i dont want to, not because i didnt feel like it, but because i was completely occupied with accounting. i had this test today and wheneva i have a test in this class, i basically block everything out to study. Suprisingly, it was easy. The professor thinks she slick. See, this test was based on chapters 2 and 3 in the book and before a test, she would give us these online homework assignments and quizes for each chapter and all she did was pull questions from each chapter quiz, which i basically memorized by heart, and put them on the test. That was odd because she never did it before.. hmmmm... So im breezing through it (its multiple choice btw), but what was starting to throw me off was that more than half of the correct answers on test was (A) as if "OJ the Juiceman" designed the test (Aye!!) lol, so i'm like

"damn, some of these can't be right cuz it's too many A's on this MF",

but i double checked them and i'm confident that they right and i still managed to be the 2nd person to finish. i'm pretty sure i prefect score plus the bonus question she gave us, which we actually had to create an income statement and im positive i got that right too. so i left the room with my chest out, head held high with a smile on my face until i remembered..

"shit, i forgot my fitted in that bitch"

so i had to double back. after that i went to mcdonalds to find out these MF's don't even sale mcdoubles, never even heard of it...

*at the drive thru... "FUCK YOU MEAN 'YALL AINT GOT NO MCDOUBLES'!!!!"* lol

didnt feel like explaining THEIR OWN SHIT to them so i got the double cheeseburger and called it a day. that was my day, how was urs?

~til the next time

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Epic Fail of the day

i haven't done this in a while so i figured that i should break you down with one


Where is the Chemistry??? LOL

Monday, February 2, 2009

Dem Peaches O.o

"Now I ain't got no problems with gurls up in Harlem"... or Brooklyn... or Cali... or Florida... or any other gurl from across the world, but... IT AIN'T NOTHIN LIKE A GEORGIA GURL!!!

They don't call GA the "Black Man's Paradise" for nothing. Along with buying a lot of things for cheap, the night life and the job opportunities in GA, the women are there reason why guys would not only want to go visit, but they would want to live there. The ratio from women to men, or I should say from women to straight men who ain't in jail are high so for those of you who are infatuated with black women, but are picky, they have a huge variety of women from dark chocolate to the ones who juuust off-white and they are women of phenomenal sizes as well.

If you are a breast man, they have women that have some of the biggest and i would say 7-8 times outta 10, they're natural because one, majority of black are not into plastic surgery and two, they are almost fully developed in such young ages like 11 and 12 years old!! If you an ass man, like myself, GA have women with asses that makes you wonder... "HOW?" because they can get so big to where it don't even look like it's proportionate to the rest of their body. Its not uncommon, though, that the women have both features who are defined as "stallions" or "great danes"

So now you're probably thinking "Well, I've heard about their bodies, what about the face?"

Some of the prettiest, most innocent looking faces you've ever seen and for that reason along with their soft and sweet southern accents, you got to be on guard when you first meet them because you could easily get hustled from their seduction, especially if you meet someone from the hood. To get with them, you have to be on top of your game, no half-stepping because some of them wont hesitate to hurt your feelings, but when they're with you, they hold you down to the max and thats why I love'em all.

I wrote this blog because for 15 years straight, I was spoiled with having these women around every direction I turned to look and since I've been in Bluffton, it's just aint been the same plus I'm a lil homesick and ultimately, that's where my heart is. Hopefully, I'll be there when I get out for spring break, which is the week of my b-day, to gobble me up another peach, XD lol

Til the next time

Update on the Weight

Remember when I was telling yall about that assignment I had to do for health class???


Well it was due today and I found out some things about myself... First, I found out what's the standard caloric intake for a guy (1800 calories/day) and for ladies (1200 calories/day). Then I found out how much calories that "I'm" supposed to take in daily. It's all calculated by your age, weight, height and your level of activity. I'm 19 years of age (soon to be 20 next month), about 150lbs, 5'8" tall and I just started to partake in some physical activities so with all of that calculated, I am supposed to take in 1734 calories/day for me to maintain my weight which is close to the standard amount.

Now to gain weight??? It works like this...

If you want to gain body weight, you need to consume more calories than you burn. One pound of body weight is roughly equivalent to 3500 calories, so eating an extra 500 calories per day will cause you to gain one pound a week. So being that my daily caloric intake for me to maintain my weight is 1,734, I’ll have to take in 2,234 calories a day to gain.

I also did my daily calorie log and it went like this...

Thurday: 1874 total calories (maintaining)
Friday: 1430 total calories (sub-par, don't know what happened on this day, lol)
Saturday: 1788 total calories (maintaining)
Sunday: 2534 total calories (gained)

I guess the issue is me being inconsistant with eating. If only I could eat a lil bit more of that juicy thing as shown up about (mmmmmmmm..... Steak!!!!) and with there being six more weeks of winter, maybe I could accomplish gaining 20 pounds before summer rolls around. I'm on a mission now and as a matter of fact, my belly is telling me to get the fuck of this thing and fill'er up!! lol

~til the next time