Monday, March 30, 2009

Dunk #3 (Got Purp?)

My next purchase...
These are called the NIKE DUNK HIGH PRO SB UN HEAVENS GATE, but that takes too long to say so Imma call them the "IVAN OOZE'S" lol. For those of you who don't who that is and why I'm naming them that... You must've been living under a rock during your childhood...

because in the 90's, the Power Rangers was boomin'-n-bunkin' and in '95, they came with a bomb-ass movie which featured this guy who planned to take over the world with his "purple stuff" lol. So when I saw these dunks, that was the first thing that came to my mind.

Oh yea, btw... Shouts out to Big Boi for this album too...

Sunday, March 15, 2009

4-Day Recap

It has been brought to my attention [LIEU!] that have been slackin on the blog again. This is true.... but these past 4 dayz has been cool for me so imma give yall the rundown on what happened....

Wednesday (3.11.09)

Around 8pm, me and 3 of my amigos, Terry, Gerald, and Amanda decided to go bowling and, i can't speak for them, but I had a blast. We played 2 games and Gerald won the first and Amanda got the second. And how did I do you ask?? I sucked, put it that way, but no worries because as soon as I find my form, I'm shuttin shit down, lol. Next time should be an even bigger party....

Thursday (3.12.09)

I was listening to Micheal Biasden on the radio and they on subject of "Sex-addicts" and whats the difference between them and a "Player" or a "Round-the-way Girl". This caught my ear because I wanted to know what category I was in, lol jk. Also, they was on the subject of females on the "DL" and why is it more acceptable than when a guy is on the DL. I'm not gonna get into it fully because that's just too much to talk out about, but I know I don't approve of it regardless of how much I like the idea of it...

Remember These???

Well just as I suspected, I was out-bidded on these shoes on Ebay so after class, I went to Athlete's Foot to purchase them [they feel so good on my toes, lol]. After that, I met up with Terry and Gerald to hit up IHOP. I had a craving for steak, eggs and cheese grits so that's what I got mmmmmmm-MMMM! I thought I was gonna have to walk out without paying because I thought lost my debit card, but it was under the seat in my car so it was all good. I later dropped bombs in the toilet when i got home.

Friday (3.13.09)

I decided to start my spring break a little early so I skipped class and stayed home. Being that spring is kickin in, that means the pollen is kickin in so I went up to Target to get me some Claritin, then I did my usual walk-thr though the electronics when I saw this...

A 32' Phillips LCD Television
Original Price: $599
Price Cut: $549
Clearance Price: $494
[My Price: $426]

Good deal right? I guess you can call this my early birthday gift from me to me. With this purchase, it completes my list of my hunt for electronics..
Microsoft Zune: check
Xbox 360: check
Gateway Laptop: check
GPS Navigation: check
Blackberry Storm: check
LCD Television: check

While in the process of buying this TV, me and this white made eye contact for like 2secs then I looked away and she walked off. A minute later she approached me and we had a brief convo...

lady: hi
me: hey, how r u?

lady: fine, how old r u?
me: 19 [at this point, i'm thinking she's tryna holla, i'm glad i was wrong, lol]

lady: is there any chance that u might be interested in the national guards?
me: Naaaaaw [as i looked away]

lady: is there any chance that u might be interest in going to college?
me: i'm currently in college now

lady: are u interested in money for paying for college and having extra money in your pocket?
me: umm yeah

lady: well the national guards is a gret place to be in, u only work once a month, u get to shoot a M-16 and bootcamp is nothing but a 2 1/2 month-long camping trip.
me: i'm sure it is

lady: so r u interested?
me: yes

and she gave me a brochure and a football and I gave her my number and she said they might contact me soon.... Money looks good to me right about now so I wouldn't going with them, we'll see what happens.

Once i got home, I hooked up my TV and I invited Amanda over so we could kick it and so she can watch Knocked Up for the first time.

Saturday (3.14.09)

This night, I went to the movies to see "The Last House on th Left". Pretty dope movie, I give it 2 thumbs up.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

God's Greatest Creation

Tunes by Kid Cudi - "Super Boo"

But the challange is... Will you be able to pay attention to the song while watching the Vid?

Check it.....


The only flaw of this Vid is that........... there's no "Real Sistas"/black women featured in it and that is what crave the most...

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dunk #2 (Got My Eye On'em)

Not sure what these called exactly, but... I know they are dunks though. Imma call them "Wolverines" for the the character in the old X-men cartoons and also because of the school colors of the University of Michigan, which they also have the mascot of a wolverine.

I came across these on Ebay yesterday, and immediately fell in like with them. The highest bid on them was like $10.40 so I trumped that with a whopping $12.00 and I am still the highest bidder as we speak or as I am typing now. The ending time isn't until thursday so you gotta know that some hater is gonna come around and fuck it up by bidding higher than that, but I have a plan...

See, today after class, I randomly drove through a plaza after gasing up the Altima, when I finally found my favorite shoe store in the south [ATHLETE'S FOOT!] You just don't know how long I've been looking for one these stores in Savannah and now I've found it, BWAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!


So I'm in the store when I saw these same shoes along with some other fly ass dunks and a plethora of other fly ass kicks, but the dunks are going for $80 (a reasonable price). So the plan is, whenever this asshole come around between now and thursday and screw up my deal with ebay (which would most likely happen, I might be a hater myself and make them pay more for them than what they're really worth by doing those dollar extra bids XD haha), then I'll go to my spot and purchase them on friday, but if I do luck up on Ebay, then I will get them on there.

I'll let'chu know the results by the end of the week...

~Til the next time

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Up Jumps The Boogie (A Real House Party)

Adidas presents....

I'm in desperate need
for one of these...
A good time

A Celebration in Originality

~Til the next time

BTW: Shout out to Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons on the tunes, good shit

Saturday, March 7, 2009

When Hip-Hop Was Balanced

So yesterday, I was feeling a little homesick so being that I'm currently unabled to go back right now, I decided to watch a music video to take me back...

So I know what you're thinking..
"Here this nigga go again, talking about how much he love his city"

Well... Naw, not this time. When I watched this video, I realized that around that time it dropped, Hip-Hip was so balanced...

[The year was 2001]

When the radio wasn't putting out constant bullshit,
The game wasn't oversaturated with one region of Hip-Hop,
Every region of Hip-Hop was putting out good music...
Everybody was reppin where they was from freely,
Everybody was expressing they own culture freely,
Everybody had they own dance lol,
And most of all...
There was almost no disrespect/beef and every region showed their gratitude amongst each other.

Even though I'm originally from "da souf (YEEEAAAAHHH!!!)", which is the region that's taking over right now, I'm not fully satisfied with it being like that. I know there was a time where music from the south wasn't respected AT ALL and that I should be glad that we're finally on top, but I feel that there needs to be a balance.

2001... Will Hip-Hop ever get back to this point??
P.S: I think I'm gonna hold off my trip back home until the Summer :(

A Kid Named Cudi

I would say that things are looking up for hip-hop this year...

"When I would play my shit for people, they would say 'Yo! like... why yo shit sound so different, like... Why is it different', and I would always say to them 'Why not?'"
-Kid Cudi

This guy goes by the name of Kid Cudi. He, along with them boyz B.o.B, Charles Hamilton, Asher Roth Wale, Currency and Cory Gunz are considered to be the future of Hip-Hop, Up until this point, I've only been on B.o.B and C. Hamilton and a tad bit of Asher and C. Gunz, but I've now added this guy to the list.

Why you asked??

Because apparently, I seem to like artist who are mult-talented and and that's what he is. He raps along with singing and producing. He's now signed with Mr. West's GOOD Music Record Label and has an album coming out this summer. I recommend that you check him out..

Download and Enjoy :)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

This Day Has Come..

March 5th, 2009

In case you've been living under a rock this past month, today is the day of Chris Brown's Hearing in court for allegedly bruatally abusing Rihanna. There has been lots of speculations and rumors going around about what actually happened. Here's the real story....

And here's footage of the hearing courtesy of TMZ

It's funny, because after watching this and seeing his face, to me, he all of a sudden looks like he has it in him to hit a woman. Up into this point, I couldn't picture it, but I do now after hearing the details. I'm not gonna speak on it though.

Bizkit the Sleep Walking Dog

I bet when he's awake, he's a winner..

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Whats Been Up

Aight for these past couple of days, I haven't been on this thing, but I'm back and now and Imma tell you about a couple things that I've up too...

This past Saturday (2/28/09), my unk came in town for my lil bro's belated birthday and while he was here, we decided to go bowling and out to eat. In total, it was six of us...

Zach (lil bro)
LJ (My mom's friend)
Unk and
Sharen (his friend)

On the way to the place, the guys (except me) was talkin big shit like "Ya'll can't beat me in anythin", "Just call me the Bowling King", "Imma all-around skillful person" etc., etc. Against the guys, my mom was only one holdin her own for the ladies (even though it was only just two of them) in the argument and when we got there, she wiped the floor with us, ALL OF US!!! I just didn't understand what was going on. How can somebody who rarely goes out, let alone go out to bowl, could be so damn good?! But then again, she was born in that era where there wasn't really any electronic toys to keep kids inside the house so to have fun, she played all the sports (basketball, baseball, pool, tennis, etc) and I guess all of that skill just stuck with her after all these years. Here's a little footage of what I'm talking about....

You see what I'm saying? It's like she wasn't even trying. She won the first 2 games, the first game I came in 2nd with 112, but she had 134 (Not scores that you would see from real bowling professionals, we all suck compared to them, lol) and the 2nd game, she was the only one to bust over 100, I fell off and everybody else stunk too. Then the 3rd game Unk won in a nail-biter with who else than my mom. We had fun that night and if was fun with family, I can only imagine how it would be with friends (hint, hint, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, kick, kick, SLAP!)

Then yesterday (3/2/09), I made my first purchase on ebay...

If you are a sneaker-head, then you should already know what these are. In case you don't, then these are the Nike Dunk High Venoms. They are named Venoms because they are apart of an superhero collection. Anybody who read comics, or watch old superhero cartoons or watched the last Spiderman man movie know that the counterpart to Spiderman is Venom so these shoes are a counterpart to these...

I'm thinking about gettin these as well. You might be witnessing a dunkhead in the making...

C. Hamilton Vs. Fan

"Not Shoppin' that Hot Topic.... Like you might" LOL

Aint nothin wrong with that though