It has been brought to my attention [LIEU!] that have been slackin on the blog again. This is true.... but these past 4 dayz has been cool for me so imma give yall the rundown on what happened....
Wednesday (3.11.09)

Around 8pm, me and 3 of my amigos, Terry, Gerald, and Amanda decided to go bowling and, i can't speak for them, but I had a blast. We played 2 games and Gerald won the first and Amanda got the second. And how did I do you ask?? I sucked, put it that way, but no worries because as soon as I find my form, I'm shuttin shit down, lol. Next time should be an even bigger party....
Thursday (3.12.09)
I was listening to Micheal Biasden on the radio and they on subject of "Sex-addicts" and whats the difference between them and a "Player" or a "Round-the-way Girl". This caught my ear because I wanted to know what category I was in, lol jk. Also, they was on the subject of females on the "DL" and why is it more acceptable than when a guy is on the DL. I'm not gonna get into it fully because that's just too much to talk out about, but I know I don't approve of it regardless of how much I like the idea of it...
Remember These???

Well just as I suspected, I was out-bidded on these shoes on Ebay so after class, I went to Athlete's Foot to purchase them [they feel so good on my toes, lol]. After that, I met up with Terry and Gerald to hit up IHOP. I had a craving for steak, eggs and cheese grits so that's what I got mmmmmmm-MMMM! I thought I was gonna have to walk out without paying because I thought lost my debit card, but it was under the seat in my car so it was all good. I later dropped bombs in the toilet when i got home.
Friday (3.13.09)
I decided to start my spring break a little early so I skipped class and stayed home. Being that spring is kickin in, that means the pollen is kickin in so I went up to Target to get me some Claritin, then I did my usual walk-thr though the electronics when I saw this...

A 32' Phillips LCD Television
Original Price: $599
Price Cut: $549
Clearance Price: $494
[My Price: $426]
Good deal right? I guess you can call this my early birthday gift from me to me. With this purchase, it completes my list of my hunt for electronics..
Microsoft Zune: check
Xbox 360: check
Gateway Laptop: check
GPS Navigation: check
Blackberry Storm: check
LCD Television: check
While in the process of buying this TV, me and this white made eye contact for like 2secs then I looked away and she walked off. A minute later she approached me and we had a brief convo...
lady: hi
me: hey, how r u?
lady: fine, how old r u?
me: 19 [at this point, i'm thinking she's tryna holla, i'm glad i was wrong, lol]
lady: is there any chance that u might be interested in the national guards?
me: Naaaaaw [as i looked away]
lady: is there any chance that u might be interest in going to college?
me: i'm currently in college now
lady: are u interested in money for paying for college and having extra money in your pocket?
me: umm yeah
lady: well the national guards is a gret place to be in, u only work once a month, u get to shoot a M-16 and bootcamp is nothing but a 2 1/2 month-long camping trip.
me: i'm sure it is
lady: so r u interested?
me: yes
and she gave me a brochure and a football and I gave her my number and she said they might contact me soon.... Money looks good to me right about now so I wouldn't going with them, we'll see what happens.
Once i got home, I hooked up my TV and I invited Amanda over so we could kick it and so she can watch Knocked Up for the first time.
Saturday (3.14.09)

This night, I went to the movies to see "The Last House on th Left". Pretty dope movie, I give it 2 thumbs up.