Friday, October 24, 2008

Ladies & Gentlemen... Meet Terry Tate

Now that you have been introduced to him, he does something that i think that you should witness that was kinda, well, "presidential"

ALERT: This is fake, but its funny as hell.... WOOOOOOOW!!!!!


Another "Dat's-what-yo-ass-get" Moment/ Epic Fail!!!

Wow, This guy was asking for it...

The moral of this story is NEVER UNDERESTIMATE YOUR OPPONENT!!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Epic Fail of the Day

As a matter of fact, "epic fail" is an understatment, this was just plain stupid.

This has to go down in history as the worst robbery ever....

Friday, October 17, 2008

Introducing.... The New Blackberry

It's actually called the Blackberry Storm 9500. It supposed to be the iphone killer and it got me excited. The main reason why is that its coming out EXCLUSIVELY for the best cell phone company in the world (Verizon). It's scheduled to come out some time in November and I will be getting it soon after that.
Take a look....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

More Hatred... When Will It End

I guess some people will be racist and bigets until the day they die...
I have nothing else to say.

I think the only way we can stop this and get these people to stop being so narrow-minded is to put Obama in office so that he is in a position where he can prove to them that he's not what they think he is without being denied the chance. I believe (i bet'cha) they'll shut the fuck up once he makes it able for them to save money from tax cuts and makes it able to even make money, period, from the job opportunities.

Shelley Wynter owns John T. Harris

You guys might be shocked, but is a black man out there who supports John McCain and has came out nationally and said it. There has been a lot of hate mail that has been sent to him and now he's outraged. This is a situation that i just shake my head at.
1) because i think he was paid by the republicans to make his statements at their rally about a week ago
2) because i think he just wanted some attention
3) because now he's upset in the aftermath of it (Common Sense: If you are a "black" man or woman that has just got on a national stage and just bashed Barack Obama, the "black" candidate who "black" people around the country are supporting, then you just have to know that you're gonna get bashed youself. If you never put yourself in that postion, then nobody wouldnt even be thinking about you, but instead you did so you're just gonna have to suffer. My best way of putting it is "DAT'S WHAT YO ASS GET")


One of the Coldest Verses I've Ever Heard

Styles will change
They say change is dang-erous
As a king standing on the terrace
While his partner pointing up at the rifleman
Cowards shooting, never know when your life will end.
Then... live like there ain't no 'morrow
And if one come then this the motto
Now I put message in bottle
You go to the nearest beach and open your car door
And you walk to the place where the sea meets the land
Yeah it's easier to run the street than walk in the sand
Hey I'm talking young man
As if chalk in my hand
I will take yo' little ass to school
It's cool
When the kids call me sonny, the hood calls me stacks
The bees call me honey, Hollywood calls me back....
Crack and I have a lot in common
We both come up in the 80s and we keep that bass pumpin'
Now that's a nega-tive comparison
Unfortunate that if you come up fortunate
The street considers you lame
I thought the name of the game
Was to have a better life
I guess it ain't what a shame
I don't slang, never slung
But I'm one with the slum
That has a name well fitting
Plenty cheese getting
No wonder why they called it the trap
So watch your tail
And I'm not kidding
The rats and mice would give advice
They say that you can paint and draw
Get out of here
Go show them that we're more than slangin' raw
That's when I broke into my big Rube impression
And I tried to enlighten but that night a learned a lesson
That the morals that you think you got go out the window
When all the other kids are fresh and they got new Nintendo
And yo' child is down on her knees
Praying hard up to God for a Whopper with cheese
Do you b) Hit the street hard with a flare
Or do you a) Go for school for heating and air
Dare making an honest living
But make a crooked killing
Or do a bit of both until your holding on a million
You got one foot in and one foot out
You put yo' left foot back in and then you shake it all about
You do the Hokey Pokey 'til you turn your life around
That's what it's all about
3000 out

-andre 3000

WTF! Really?! This is what they think??

For those of you who have been following the election, yall know that this has been a long, tough road to Nov. 4. I am an Obama supporter and I am a first time voter. Now, I understand that there are those who do not agree with this fellow, but for the reason why they don't, let's me further know that racism is still alive and now it's showing. Watch this......

Right now, at 6:36 in the a.m, I am tuned in to CNN because I want to see the results of last night's final debate between Obama & McCain and 51% of voters say that Obama won where 39% says McCain won. Obama is also already projected to have enough electoral votes to win office (277/270). Now, this is not offical yet, we still need to get out vote people and if this keeps up, we finally can show those folks who still thinks less of us, what we are made of.

P.S... There was a white lady the video that said "Obama thinks that we're all white trash"..... (smh) uuum can you tell me when this was actually said?..... Don't worry, I'll wait

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Epic Fail of the Day!!!

I might be going to hell for this one, lmao!! but there are "3" things that are certain in the world... Taxes, Death, and if you fall and I'm there to witness it, I'M GOING TO LAUGH! Now, in this video, this lady "not only" had the audacity to hop on a coffee table, but after she falls, she fails to get up!! if u are short on time, just fast-forward it to 2:45....

LMAO, again, i might be going to hell

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Well... There's a first time for EVERYTHING

Wow! My first ever post on my blog. This is a monumental moment in my life (not really, but... yea). On this post, I'm informing you that in the future, I will be touching on many subjects such as sports, politics, music, epic fails and just... LIFE. Now, I am not promising that I will post every, single day, i might even go a week without even saying anything so yall just gonna have to bear with me. Well, thats it for now, Til the next time.....