Thursday, October 16, 2008

WTF! Really?! This is what they think??

For those of you who have been following the election, yall know that this has been a long, tough road to Nov. 4. I am an Obama supporter and I am a first time voter. Now, I understand that there are those who do not agree with this fellow, but for the reason why they don't, let's me further know that racism is still alive and now it's showing. Watch this......

Right now, at 6:36 in the a.m, I am tuned in to CNN because I want to see the results of last night's final debate between Obama & McCain and 51% of voters say that Obama won where 39% says McCain won. Obama is also already projected to have enough electoral votes to win office (277/270). Now, this is not offical yet, we still need to get out vote people and if this keeps up, we finally can show those folks who still thinks less of us, what we are made of.

P.S... There was a white lady the video that said "Obama thinks that we're all white trash"..... (smh) uuum can you tell me when this was actually said?..... Don't worry, I'll wait

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What the fuck is this? Where are their hoods at? Ain't this a KKK rally? Kill dem Niggers! Oh...itz just republicans...well fuck em! If they don't like it they can go back to England!