Saturday, February 7, 2009

This Just In...

Consider that beef with between bow wow and soulja boy squashed...

a little disappointed because it seemed like it was about to get good, but glad these guys talked it out like men for once...

speaking of getting good, this 50 vs. Ross beef... Ross must tryna commit suicide or something fucking with Fif

Then 50 got Ross' baby mama to sit down with him to expose him...

Damn, after all that 50 takes her on a shopping spree... Ross dunn made some good music in the past, but I think he's done now. Even the game is siding with 50!!!



So instead of the Whopper Jr. Beef (BW and SB)...the Triple Whopper Beef (Rick Ross and 50) ensues?

Anonymous said...

HA-Ha! This is 50! Oh...good to the Bow Wow and Soulja Boy beef get squashed. That coulda got real dangerous. They might have brought out the Super Soakers and ish like that!

Shyne said...

LMBO @ GMoney! And i actually wished something would have pooped off between BW and SB so the world could see how lame them niggas are. I aint knockin the all together cause they got some song I like but they just aint as hot as they think they are which is funny to me, LOL! I heard bout the 50 and Boss beef on the radio, but I aint know much. Thanks for the info.

Lieu Fatale said...

ur video has been JACKED :)
nah but im happy they matured sooner than we thought. It proves our generation has SOME hope.

[Proud to be younger than yo momma lol]
