Thursday, October 16, 2008

Shelley Wynter owns John T. Harris

You guys might be shocked, but is a black man out there who supports John McCain and has came out nationally and said it. There has been a lot of hate mail that has been sent to him and now he's outraged. This is a situation that i just shake my head at.
1) because i think he was paid by the republicans to make his statements at their rally about a week ago
2) because i think he just wanted some attention
3) because now he's upset in the aftermath of it (Common Sense: If you are a "black" man or woman that has just got on a national stage and just bashed Barack Obama, the "black" candidate who "black" people around the country are supporting, then you just have to know that you're gonna get bashed youself. If you never put yourself in that postion, then nobody wouldnt even be thinking about you, but instead you did so you're just gonna have to suffer. My best way of putting it is "DAT'S WHAT YO ASS GET")




Made Mr. Harris leave early, THAT'S EXTREME PWNAGE THERE!

Anonymous said...

Black Conservatives? Ain't that a double negative?