Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Do What You Love

This song that I've just posted is entitle "Do what you love" by Charles Hamilton. I think this song is refreshing and I'm kinda infatuated with the chorus..

("love what you do and do what you love")

I always think a lot when I'm listenin to this song too, not necessarily about the song, but about what I love to do... Drawing. In fact, any form of art, whether it may be drawings, paintings, poetry, music, dance and etc., is like my life and I almost gave up on it!! See, after i graduated from highschool, I had the option to go in one of two directions, either the art world or the business world, which i kinda like too because of the math. I really wanted to go in the art direction, but I wasn't for sure what I wanted to do in that area and I know that there isn't a guarantee that I would get a high-paying job straight outta college, which was gonna be SCAD had i took that path. I just knew that I wanted to draw, but SCAD is way too expensive to be unsure on what you wanna be once you get out, you know? So now I'm on the business path, majoring in accounting and for a while, I had put down the HB, 2B and the 4B pencils and picked up the calculator until two girls on two different occassions approached me and asked me for a favor...

They heard that i was a pretty good artist and saw some of my work and both asked me to draw them up a tattoo and around this I wanted a tat bad as well so I say to them "ok", no big deal. But after thinking about it, having someone approach you and ask you to draw something for them so that they could potentially place it on their body for the rest of their lives is pretty dope. I started watching shows such as Miami Ink and LA Ink (reality shows about tattooists) and through those shows, I knew the purpose of tats and why people from all walks of life got them and I'm not even gonna mention how I feel about tats being on the female body O_0, lol. Suddenly, the light bulb above my head brightened...

I know what wanna do now!!!

I figure, if I could draw a tat on a piece of paper, why not on skin? But the plan is, imma still major in accounting, but imma minor in art so i can keep my skills sharp. Over the summer in 2010, I'm gonna intern for a company like DELL or MAC or some major company to develop a relationship so when i get out of college, I'll at least have a job in my pocket. While having that job, I will be going through the proper procedures to getting my license like aquiring my health license and shit of that nature. If all goes well after a few years of experience and with the skills that I develop in the business world, I will ultimately open my own tattoo parlor. So I guess, in the words of 50 Cent...

"I got a lot of living to do before I die and I ain't got time to waist... so let's make it"


Anonymous said...

Sounds good man, having a plan really helps with life's decisions. Having goals and then steps in between there to get to the goals are essential. Do what you love!

ViN Rawli said...

Lets give it up for Xavierrrrrr! *cheers*
Yeah, do whatchu love man
and it never hurts if you can make sum money from it too lmao

Zay316 said...

@ Gmoney - yea mane, its like, without a gameplan, you're setting yourself up for FAILure and you're gonna blow it.
@ Vin - Yesss, in the words of the Joker from the dark knight "If you're good at something, never do it for free", especially nowadayz, lol!

Shyne said...

Damn...you sound just like me in this bitta bob, LOL! I'm starting to rememeber why we got along so well back in the Hingh seeing all the things we have in common and what not, haha! I like tatts myself...maybe i'll come work for you while i work on geting my company going.