Saturday, March 7, 2009

When Hip-Hop Was Balanced

So yesterday, I was feeling a little homesick so being that I'm currently unabled to go back right now, I decided to watch a music video to take me back...

So I know what you're thinking..
"Here this nigga go again, talking about how much he love his city"

Well... Naw, not this time. When I watched this video, I realized that around that time it dropped, Hip-Hip was so balanced...

[The year was 2001]

When the radio wasn't putting out constant bullshit,
The game wasn't oversaturated with one region of Hip-Hop,
Every region of Hip-Hop was putting out good music...
Everybody was reppin where they was from freely,
Everybody was expressing they own culture freely,
Everybody had they own dance lol,
And most of all...
There was almost no disrespect/beef and every region showed their gratitude amongst each other.

Even though I'm originally from "da souf (YEEEAAAAHHH!!!)", which is the region that's taking over right now, I'm not fully satisfied with it being like that. I know there was a time where music from the south wasn't respected AT ALL and that I should be glad that we're finally on top, but I feel that there needs to be a balance.

2001... Will Hip-Hop ever get back to this point??
P.S: I think I'm gonna hold off my trip back home until the Summer :(


Anonymous said...

Naw it won't but it will get better. BTW congrats on da stretch/wide layout; thatz a good look right thurr

Shyne said...

This video took me back for a second had to watch the whole thing before I made my comment, LOL! Idk where things are headed, but I deff hope things get better and why you holdin the trip back??


Yep Hip-Hop's golden era to me was 1988-2002, now all the stuff I bump is from that time period. Check out the underground scene though, lots of cats with good potential. Oh and I'm still waiting for the Kid Cudi link. *too lazy to find*