Friday, April 17, 2009

A Possible 1st Tat (Rough Draft)

So I was surfing the web (as usual) looking at tattoo designs for ideas to draw up my own shit when i came across this site which has a wide-range of tats. the down side to it is that if you was to find a tat that you are interested in, you can't just print it out or copy and paste it, you gotta pay for it...


I came across this 8-point star with a pisces symbol (My sign) in the middle of it. It looked aight, but it was so plain. So of coarse I didnt pay for it, I drew that muufucka out and What you see up above is the tat that I came across... but on steriods
I beefed it up!
i put a random texture design inside the 4 large points of the largest star
i wrote the date of my birthday between the pisces symbol and the largest star (3/16)
i managed to evenly circle the 8-point star with 16 small stars which represents 16 days of the month in which I was born.
i added 3 skullheads which represents March, the 3rd month of the year and the month I was born and if you look at the skullhead at the bottom and look at its eyez, you'll see the number '89 which is, you've guessed it, the year I was born in.
I decided to add a design of a strip of barbed wire at the bottom along with the 3rd skullhead because I ran outta ideas and I felt that the tattoo as a whole wouldn't be balanced without some kind of design placed in that location, it looks cool for right now. i might change it later on though.
I'm still thinkin of things that I could add, but as of now, I'm straight with it. The only thing thats left for me to determine now is the location and how large I want it to be.
So what'cha think?

1 comment:

Shyne said...

I was just about to ask where you were gonna put it because in my opinion where you put a tattoo is a major fact on how good it looks.