Thursday, February 5, 2009

Da Drought

Yea, so i've been on a lil bit of a drought on bloggin as of a couple days now... not because i dont want to, not because i didnt feel like it, but because i was completely occupied with accounting. i had this test today and wheneva i have a test in this class, i basically block everything out to study. Suprisingly, it was easy. The professor thinks she slick. See, this test was based on chapters 2 and 3 in the book and before a test, she would give us these online homework assignments and quizes for each chapter and all she did was pull questions from each chapter quiz, which i basically memorized by heart, and put them on the test. That was odd because she never did it before.. hmmmm... So im breezing through it (its multiple choice btw), but what was starting to throw me off was that more than half of the correct answers on test was (A) as if "OJ the Juiceman" designed the test (Aye!!) lol, so i'm like

"damn, some of these can't be right cuz it's too many A's on this MF",

but i double checked them and i'm confident that they right and i still managed to be the 2nd person to finish. i'm pretty sure i prefect score plus the bonus question she gave us, which we actually had to create an income statement and im positive i got that right too. so i left the room with my chest out, head held high with a smile on my face until i remembered..

"shit, i forgot my fitted in that bitch"

so i had to double back. after that i went to mcdonalds to find out these MF's don't even sale mcdoubles, never even heard of it...

*at the drive thru... "FUCK YOU MEAN 'YALL AINT GOT NO MCDOUBLES'!!!!"* lol

didnt feel like explaining THEIR OWN SHIT to them so i got the double cheeseburger and called it a day. that was my day, how was urs?

~til the next time


Shyne said...

Glad you feel so positive about your test B. That McDoubles thing was pretty funny, LOL!

Anonymous said...

No McDoubles!?!?!?!? Man that don't make no kinda sense at all, faseriously!