Friday, February 13, 2009


So tomorrow is Valentine's Day, right? Normally I'm not too stoked about this time of the year and I almost NEVER have a date to share my generosity with, as a matter of fact, the fraction of how many Valentine Dates I've had throughout my life over how many Valentines Days I've lived through including this year is a mere 4/20, but have a date tomorrow. Some of you may know her, some of you dont. She is someone who, once upon a time ago, lived in this town of bluffton and once was my woman, but that didnt last and she moved away 2years ago. We still kept in touch though and we're still cool til this day. Tonight, she's coming in town and for once, I'm thinkin very highly of V-Day mainly because of the gift I'm gonna receive. Now I'm not gonna speak on it, but the photo on your right should give you a pretty good idea and for the record...

IT WASN'T MY IDEA, but in the same breath, I ain't gonna turn it down either, LOL.

and in return, all she wants from me is some "Chocolate Banana Glam Pie Hi Pastrys"... These to be exact

Good Deal, dont'cha think?



Wait a second, so you get some SEX and in return you gotta buy some shoes? WTF?! Or maybe I'm seeing this in the wrong perspective, but good luck! I'll be having a great V-Day as well, homie!

Shyne said...

Thats whas up, LOL! All I got to say is enjoy, haha!

Anonymous said...

Any way is okay!

Lieu Fatale said...

I'd like to smack you right now
[Fb convo]