Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Cha-Ching Pt. 3/Finale

So now I can let out my situation since its over now...

well on saturday night, I was on BOA to check my money out when I saw that a total of $6,025.29 was dumped in my account.


At first I thought I logged into someone elses account because that aint mines nor did I know where it came from, but nope, on the header on my account, it read my name. I've probably have never in my life had so many mixed feelings...

1) Happy, shocked and suprised because of the money and ammount.
2) Paranoid and feared that the law might think that i stole it and
3) Mad because I thought some random person had access to my account and I was thinking that as easy as he/she could put money in my account, he/she could easily take it all out with additions to my money as well)

So then I checked my transitions and found that it was someone's tax returns so now I'm thinking "ok cool, what now?" I went to the lady who brought me into this world, my oracle, for advice and she gave different senarios on what I could do like

1) Spend it
2) Taking the out so I can have it on had (which i didn't think that would be a good idea cuz it ain't notelling what I would do if I had that money directly in my hand)
3) Take it out and go to another bank and open up another account to place it in
4) Split it with her, lol
5) Save it

but she stated the fact of the matter remained: "If and when the bank find their mistake, all they gonna do is void those checks regardless if you were to spend it or take it out or not. If you were to spend it all and they was to void that money then you would have a huge overdraft fee." So I decided to wait a week or two to see what was gonna happen and if the bank never takes it out then most likely I'm home free, but mom dukes highly doubted that that was gonna happen and what do you know? She was right... As of this morning, all that money had vanished.

I was so pissed. I mean, I know none of it was my money, but still, you just don't throw that kinda money someone's(mines) account and think that a nigga like me ain't gonna be tempted to spend it. It's not like I asked for that shit! What would you have did if this happened to you, if was just minding you business one day and BLAM, suddenly you're a multi-thousand-aire?! LMAO.

But yea, I'm currently in the process of getting over this, just realizing that this is just one of my "it's too good to be true" moments



DAAAAAAAAAAAMN! Yep, it was too good to be true.

Anonymous said...

You should sue the people that accidentally put the money in there for something. I don't kno the exact words. Getting your hopes up and crushing them?

Shyne said...

You good for waiting B! I deff would have spent some of it, but not all of it. The way I see it any money lost would be THEIR (the basnk's) fault for messing up with the accounts and there are a number of excuses you could use in order to not have it pined on you. Lord have mercy if somethin like that were to happen to me mane cause I probably would have ended up on the news dig?! LOL!

*News Repost*
This just in!! BOA suffers a major loss from an error with a deposit in the wrong account. The account of Shannon A @nderson. We have reporter Bob with Shannon live.

Bob: How did you feel when you saw the deposit error??

Me: I thought God had finally smiled upon me for any and all the good deeds I've done in my life time so far.

Bob: How did you spend so much money in such a short amount of time? Where did it all go?

Me: Well first of all I believe there's no such thing as a free gift so I figured I'd share my wealth dig?! As you can see by lookin at me and my friends (TM, GM, Terry, Reffa, X-Man) we all got fly kicks. Plus there was a number of things I've been wanting myself and I finally had the funds for it.

Bob: What will you do if BOA calls all the money you spent?

Me: I'll sew the crap out of them and get every penny back plus some, LOL!